Confetti crush

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Confetti crush

A delicious mixture of popular root vegetables.

Serves 4

2 mashing potatoes, peeled, sliced into small chunks
2 kumara, peeled, sliced into small chunks
2 carrots, peeled, sliced into coins
2 parsnips, peeled, sliced into small chunks
1 Tbsp vegetable oil
pinch salt
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
coriander sprigs for garnish

Boil potatoes, kumara, carrots and parsnips as below.
Drain and roughly mash. Add oil and salt and pepper.
Place in a serving dish and serve garnished with coriander.

To boil vegetables:
– Place vegetables in a saucepan and add sufficient lightly salted cold water to just cover.
– Place a lid on the saucepan and bring to the boil as quickly as possible, reduce heat and simmer gently.
– Cook until tender when tested with a skewer or tip of a knife.
– Add extra boiling water if necessary. Drain and serve.

Note: Always simmer vegetables as vigorous boiling will cause some vegetables to break up.

Boiling times – depending on the size of the vegetable pieces they may take less time:
12-15 minutes for harder vegetables, e.g. carrots, parsnips, pumpkin, turnips, yams
18-20 minutes for starchy vegetables, e.g. kumara, potatoes, swedes

Nutrition Information Panel

Per Serving [4 Serves]
Energy 1806 kJ
Protein 8.2g
Total fat
– saturated fat
– sugars
Fibre 13g
Gluten 0g
Sodium 124g
Gluten Free