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Board of Directors: PNZ is governed by a Board of Directors and led by the Chief Executive. The Board is comprised of eight members, five are Grower Members, two Trade Members and one appointed Independent Director. Board members may be appointed for up to three terms, of up to three years each. Elections are held at the Annual General Meeting each year.

Seed Certification Authority (NZSPCA): Certification of seed potatoes in New Zealand is provided by the New Zealand Seed Potato Certification Authority, a sub-committee of the Board, which runs a national quality assurance programme. The Authority establishes the seed potato certification rules, including disease tolerances, and has the task of ensuring seed potatoes are true-to-type. This is done by contracting independent, specialised inspectors from international quality assurance companies to visually inspect crops in the field as well as tubers after harvesting.

Research Development & Extension (RD&E): The Potatoes New Zealand Research & Development is a Technical Panel made up of industry growers, processors, agronomists and technical experts that advises on the R&D Strategy and activities. The Panel meets regularly during the year to review the current PNZ Strategy, observe field trials, discuss results and comment on planned activities. PNZ runs a comprehensive research, development and development programme that covers pan-industry and potato industry specific research. PNZ members gain insights through Field Walks, Grower Talks and Potato Updates.

Biosecurity & Regulatory Sub-committee: This sub-committee of the Board negotiates new access arrangements and works to ensure access compliance costs are kept to a minimum. This sub-committee also advises on PNZ’s Biosecurity Readiness & Response activities and commitments.

The Chip Group: PNZ works closely with key industry organisations and media to promote potatoes, potato products and industry good stories. The Chip Group is a technical panel of PNZ, delivering a Best Practice Frying Training programme that improves the nutritional profile of deep-fried chips sold in New Zealand. The Best Chip Shop Competition is run every second year, most recently in 2017, and the People’s Choice Best Chips Award is held annually.

Sub-Committee membership: The sub-committees are formal sub-committees of the Board. They are made up of PNZ Inc. Board representatives, industry representatives (grower and trade members) and expert advisors as appointed by the board.

Sub-Committee Responsibilities/Roles:

  • Providing potato industry member input, advice, feedback and guidance to the PNZ Inc. Board, PNZ Inc. staff and/or external consultants.
  • Acting as an industry forum to support the PNZ Inc. Board and PNZ Inc. staff in their operational duties.
  • Working within the defined boundaries set by the PNZ Inc. Strategy.
  • Responding to specific requests for information from the PNZ Inc. Board and/or staff.
  • Formally recording the sub-committee meetings and making the papers and/or minutes available to the PNZ Inc. Board for review.

Technical Panel Membership: Membership of the a technical panel of PNZ is by invitation only. They are made up of PNZ Inc. Board representatives, industry representatives (grower and trade members) and expert advisors.

Technical Panel Responsibilities/Roles:

  • Providing potato industry member input, advice, feedback and guidance to the PNZ Inc. Board, PNZ Inc. staff and/or external consultants.
  • Acting as an industry forum to support the PNZ Inc. Board and PNZ Inc. staff in their operational duties.
  • Working within the defined boundaries set by the PNZ Inc. Strategy.
  • Responding to specific requests for information from the PNZ Inc. Board and/or staff.
  • They are constituted for specific projects or to address specific technical issues.