PNZ Latest News
Welcome to the new year. It promises to be packed with developments in nitrate management, audacious goals for emissions in general, field walks, workshops, forums and lots of spuds!
Field Walks 2020
Mid-February, the PNZ team will be touring the 3 main spud regions with expert presenters covering; TPP, Emissions & Nitrates, Potato Breeding, Maximising Irrigation, PMTV update, Inspector training & trial plots, FEPs, Special UK topic (spot farms & nitrates/emissions) and Powdery Scab.
Canterbury 11th Feb 1.30pm-4pm PFR
Pukekohe 13th Feb 2pm-4.30pm PFR
Manawatu 14th Feb 2pm-4.30pm Chris Pescini’s Farm
View the event details here.
Reminder to Growers & Exporters
Growers please ensure you have completed your 2018 to 2019 Direct Sales Levy Form found here on our website.
For your reference the Commodity Levies Order can be read here.
Exporters please assist us by keeping up-to-date with your Buyer Invoices, which can be downloaded here and have been emailed to you as well.
Or direct file downloads:
Farm Management
NZGAP’s FEP guidelines continue to be presented in a series of workshops. Check the latest on our events page here.
Emissions Taskforce
PNZ-79 is continuing it’s multi-workstream schedule with soil moisture probes in field at PFR and at 4 regional sites.
GPS mapping of seed grower farms is being collated in the new PNZ membership database.
Degree Day Graphs from PFR
Every insect requires a consistent amount of heat accumulation to reach certain life stages, such as egg hatch or adult flight. Degree day values interpret that heat accumulation. When used to determine treatment timing, they are an important component of an Integrated Pest Management program, providing a cost-effective tool to reduce insect feeding damage. See the graphs here.

PNZ Useful Links
- Complete your levy forms: You can find the BCI & Direct Sales Levy forms here
- Exporter forms were due monthly or when you purchase to export: find the forms here
- MRL Residue Compliance Handbook is revised and ready for download. We will be sending a copy out for Christmas as well
- Seedlines & Rulebook has been updated and can be found here
- Seed Certification forms and register are now updated and can be found here for download, scroll to the bottom of the page in the link
- Keep up-to-date with our R&D projects via our website here
- Export news and statistics read here
- Read our latest media articles here
- Events can be seen listed on our calendar here. Latest event added is the Biosecurity Inspector Training Course, details here.
The PNZ team are here to help you

CEO Chris Claridge
Technical Manager Dr. Iain Kirkwood
Communications & Engagement Officer Gemma Carroll
Administration & Finance OfficerNicola Loach
PNZ Agronomist Paula Lleras
PNZ Social Media Links
Over 8,000 people and organisations now follow us on social media to keep up with the latest New Zealand and international potato news. Send us your news and events so we can publish them via our social media channels.
- Instagram – Potatoes_NZ
- Facebook – Potatoes NZ
- Facebook – The Chip Group
- Twitter – Potatoes NZ
- Twitter – Chris Claridge