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PNZ is an industry body representing growers, processors, seed merchants and exporters. We don’t grow, process or sell potatoes and potato products. We are passionate about the quality of potatoes and potato products, such as fresh potatoes, crisps, hot and frozen fries sold in New Zealand. And we are keen to hear if consumers are experiencing problems with quality. However we are not responsible for the quality of produce and products sold in retail outlets. If a consumer experiences problems with quality of fresh potatoes, or frozen fries, or hot fries purchased from a retailer or fast food outlet, they should contact the seller directly. As a consumer you have the right to purchase goods that are fit for purpose. If you are not happy with the response from the seller, then contact the grower or manufacturer using the address details on the packaging. If there are no address or contact details on the packaging we are not able to help consumers identify where the potatoes where grown, or where the fries were manufactured – only the retailer will know. Having said this, we are still keen to hear – do send us photos or even samples. We will relay the problems to wider industry to try and ensure that it doesn’t happen again. We understand how passionate people are about potatoes and potato products and we are seeking to ensure consumers get the best quality possible.
Exporting fresh potatoes is possible from New Zealand but there are strict phytosanitary rules governing the entry of potatoes in foreign counties. The first step is to establish what the ICPR (Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements) are for the destination country. ICPRs are documents published by the New Zealand Ministry of Primary Industries to help exporters find and meet other countries’ importing requirements for plants and plant products, see here for more information.

You will need to check the country’s requirements for importation and what the import health requirements are. It is best to contact a Potato Exporter to help facilitate the process. Here is a list of exporters.

Potatoes NZ Inc. is not directly involved in commercial exporting activities such as promoting or selling into export markets, our Export Market Development Group does however investigate and assist in the development of markets and to open up access to new markets for fresh New Zealand table, processing and seed potatoes.

In order to import New Zealand potatoes, an importer must either;

  • be (or become) registered with Potatoes NZ Inc. as a potato exporter;
  • purchase the NZ potatoes from an exporter registered with Potatoes NZ Inc. Here is a list of exporters.

If you wish to contact our registered exporters directly please email

European grade of fries are AAA, AA and A, what is the NZ grading? We have the same export grading standard as Europe. We don’t have a quality ranking.

European potato variety are Bintje, Innovator and Diamant. What is the well-known potato variety in NZ , from the highest quality to low? Innovator, Russet Burbank & Shepody

Does every producer select one type of potato variety to make special type of French fries? Yes.

  • Glyphosate is often used to spray off other crops eg pasture prior to ground preparation before potato production
  • Glyphosate is not used directly on potatoes as it causes significant yield and quality losses
  • Spray off of crops to control tuber size is primarily done using diquat
  • Potatoes NZ growers follow strict and food safe residue limits which can be found on this website here.
Contact either of one of our three processor members, Talleys, McCain or Mr Chips.

McCain Chips logo

There is no requirement from PNZ for prospective exporters of frozen fires.
It is a commercial transaction and PNZ has no involvement in the process.