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N Use Optimisation Workshop

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18th September @ 10:00 am 3:30 pm

This workshop provides a unique opportunity for commercial vegetable growers in Canterbury to hear firsthand from the developers of the Sustainable Vegetable Systems (SVS) tool.

The tool has been designed to assist growers in making decisions to optimise Nitrogen use. It is a simple to use computer application that will be available to all growers.

The benefits of using the tool include:

  1. Nitrogen fertiliser guidance (improve efficiency and reduce costs)
  2. Integrated soil nitrogen testing and budgets
  3. In-season nitrogen fertiliser decisions based on the season in front of you
  4. The foundation for informed decisions and knowledge building
  5. Assistance in meeting regulatory requirements
  6. Improvements in freshwater outcomes
  7. Enhanced environmental credibility and social licence to operate.

See more in this short SVS tool YouTube video

Workshop details

Growers attending the workshop will be walked through the tool by those that developed it. They will be able to use the tool immediately to assist in making sound decisions around N use. The workshop will have both indoor and outdoor components.

When: Wednesday 18 September  

Timing: 10am – 3:30pm

Where: Fitzgerald Room, Plant and Food Research, 74 Gerald Street, Lincoln

What to bring: a laptop

Lunch will be provided.


Register your interest in attending for catering purposes.

If you have any questions, please contact Mark Shelly, HortNZ Regional Extension Officer, on: 027 322 5644

04 472 3795

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74 Gerald Street
Lincoln, Canterbury 7608 New Zealand
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