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LocationLincoln, Southbridge and Chertsey (see below for specific times and locations)


You are invited to attend the FAR PNZ Inc. R & D trials tour which will be held on:

Thursday 21 January 2016

1.00pm – 5.30pm

Lincoln, Southbridge and Chertsey

1.00 – 2.15pm
Potato physiology and irrigation trial
Plant & Food Research Farm

Boundary Road, Lincoln (between Shands and Springs Roads).

2.45 – 3.45pm
TPP / Zebra Chip control trial
Courtesy of Andy Bailey, Beachcroft Road, Southbridge. Signposted from corner of Beachcroft and Jollies Roads.
4.30 – 5.30pm
TPP management trials.
Irrigation trial
FAR Arable Research Site, SH1, Chertsey.


Join staff from FAR and Plant & Food Research to view trials investigating TPP management options and potato irrigation.


Feel free to join or leave the tour at any station during the day.


For further information please contact the FAR office. Phone: 03 345 5783, Text: 0275 ARABLE, Fax: 03 341 7061, Email: