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The strategy for Potatoes NZ Inc. identifies export markets as the critical pathway to growth with the target of doubling the value of fresh and processed New Zealand based exports by 2025. Consequently, improved access into export markets is a priority for the industry.

While Potatoes NZ Inc. is not involved in commercial exporting activities such as promoting or selling into export markets, its Export Market Development Group currently manages a programme of work to investigate and assist in the development of markets and to open up access to new markets for fresh New Zealand table, processing and seed potatoes.

This work involves negotiating with New Zealand and foreign governments to ensure the access conditions that will permit New Zealand to export to these countries. This work is funded by a $5 per tonne fee paid by all exporters registered with Potatoes NZ Inc.

In order to export New Zealand potatoes, an exporter must:
– be (or become) registered with Potatoes New Zealand Inc. as a potato exporter

In order to import New Zealand potatoes, an importer must:
– purchase the New Zealand potatoes from an exporter currently registered with Potatoes New Zealand Inc.

If you wish to contact our registered exporters directly please email

Potatoes NZ Inc. also helps growers meet each country’s compliance requirements through promoting food safety programmes such as New Zealand GAP (Good Agricultural Practice). NZ GAP is benchmarked to the world retailers’ association’s Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and GLOBALGAP.  Key partners for Potatoes New Zealand include Ministry for Primary Industries, Market Access Solutions (consultants), Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade and New Zealand Trade & Enterprise who each contribute in different capacities.

For information on Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) in Asian markets please contact either Gisele Irvine or Chris Claridge.

Trade/Market Access

Export registration

All potato exporters must be registered with Potatoes NZ Inc. Simply complete the form and return along with the registration fee payment.

Registrations are accepted at any time but all exporter registrations expire on 31st October each year.

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MPI Phytosanitary Official Assurance Programme for Potato Cyst Nematode and Potato Wart

While some countries have no phytosanitary requirements on potato product imports, others have rigorous requirements. These are generally met if a grower complies with the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) export requirement programme for potato cyst nematode.

Access-specific export information, including compliance and regulations.