Director nominations

Call for Director Nominations

posted in: Articles, News & Info
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The Potatoes New Zealand board is actively seeking strong and representative directors to join their team, which is committed to fostering a thriving environment for the New Zealand potato industry.

If you are eligible and have an interest in governance, you are encouraged to put your name forward for the director elections.

Nominations are called for three (3) Grower Director and one (1) Trade Director positions. The positions are for a three (3) year term.

  • Michelle Pye retires by rotation this year and is seeking re-election.
  • Bhupen Master was co-opted and is seeking re-election.

Any candidate must be nominated by at least two (2) members.

Nominations should be made in writing to:

The Chief Executive, Potatoes NZ Inc., PO Box 10232, The Terrace, Wellington 6143

Or email

Nominations must be received no later than 5pm Tuesday 20 August 2024.

Complete the Nomination Form >>