Sarah Newton, McCain

International Women’s Day – Sarah Newton

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Potatoes New Zealand connects with various women in the industry as part of International Women’s Day to discover the amazing work they do in the sector.

Name: Sarah Newton
Company: McCain

What do you do in your current role? 

Sarah Newton is the Senior Agronomist at McCain Foods based in Timaru, South Canterbury.

What do you particularly enjoy about it?

My role is quite varied working growers, the factory, the global McCain team and many others.  Sometimes you are dealing with the right now, planning for a years’ time or looking at bigger projects, which the effect might be seen in the future.  Working for a global company I also frequently interact with agronomists and growers from all over the world, where everywhere works a little differently, however we all face similar issues and there is a lot of passion for potatoes.

How long have you been with your organisation? 

I have been with McCain Foods for 13 years always in Agriculture and 8 of those years working with potatoes in Canterbury.

How do you find working in the potato industry/primary industries?

I really enjoy working in the primary industries as there are always new challenges and things to be learnt.  The people also make it great as others are happy to share knowledge.

Have you encountered any specific challenges? 

I don’t think anyone in the potato industry would say things always run smoothly. However, talking to others when new challenges occur in field, is very useful.  Also, being able to be flexible and have a plan B, C or D when needed as breakdowns and surprises happen.

What does your organisation do for inclusion and diversity? 

McCain is a big supporter of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and have many global groups and support.  We have a Women in Agriculture group with quarterly meetings that usually have quest speakers, the option for coaching circles and focus groups for suggestions on improvements.

What or who inspires you?

My family and the next generation inspire me.  I grew up on a family farm helping and always knowing where food came from.  I love seeing my daughter on the farm with her cousins’ digging potatoes and explaining to them how they also get made into yummy fries.  I want to help with sustainable and profitable farming so young people will always see farming and the primary industry as a good career option.

Sarah Newton

What do you wish you had known before you started in your profession? 

Know your weakness and work on them but also know your strengths and work with them.  If you don’t have the knowledge of something, ask for help.

What would you tell another woman interested in working in the potato industry/primary industries? 

There are many different roles available in the primary industries and everyone has different skills to offer.  There are lots of women in primary industries and the key is being willing to learn.

International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. Significant activity is witnessed worldwide as groups come together to celebrate women’s achievements or rally for women’s equality. #AccelerateAction

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