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Inta-Ag Forum

Includes spongospora expert advice. See more details here.

Spring Fling – November Means New Potatoes

Hopetoun Alpha 19 Beresford Square, Auckland CBD, New Zealand

An annual event in it's 3rd year to celebrate the new season potatoes. MC Wallace Chapman will reveal grower stories … Read More

NZGAP FEP workshop

NZGAP will run up to 6 free workshops, approximately 1 month apart, from November 2019 to June 2020. The initial … Read More

Biosecurity and Inspector Training Course

Plant and Food Research, Lincoln Plant and Food Research, Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Gerald Street, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand

The Biosecurity and Inspector Training Course is on the 13th of December at Plant and Food Lincoln 10am to 3 … Read More

Canterbury Field Walk

Plant and Food Research, Lincoln Plant and Food Research, Canterbury Agriculture and Science Centre, Gerald Street, Lincoln, Canterbury, New Zealand

1.30pm Plant and Food Lincoln, Fitzgerald Room 1. TPP colony - Jessica 2. Emissions / Nitrate leaching project – Chris … Read More

Pukekohe Field Walk

Plant and Food Pukekohe Pukekohe Research Centre Cronin Rd, Pukekohe, New Zealand

PFR Pukekohe 1. TPP colony - Jessica 2. Emissions / Nitrate leaching project – Chris Claridge, Andrew Barber & Iain … Read More