Eat potatoes for people and planet

Two very interesting reports have kicked off the year for anyone interested in food, health and sustainability. Which should be … Read More

Don’t fear the low-carb trend

It’s always interesting to look at food trend predictions, which come around every year telling us how and what we’re … Read More

Switch up your salad: potato salad gets a makeover

“November means new potatoes”, as the catchy slogan goes, and that means lovely potato salad in all its guises. Traditional … Read More

More potatoes, less meat: the way of the future

Two reports were released recently which should have sent us all into an urgent, we-have-to-do-something-now panic. The first was a … Read More

Pillows of dreams: gnocchi makes everything better

Everyone has food blind spots; things they don’t go near or never cook, for reasons of fear, indifference, ignorance or … Read More

Local and lovely: we can’t take local spuds for granted

How much do we care where our food comes from? If a recent survey by Consumer NZ and Hort NZ … Read More

Making a hash of it

Hash browns are one of the main reasons to go out for breakfast, in my opinion.   Along with their … Read More

Mash up: The road to perfect mashed potato

Last week came the news, widely reported, that humans love foods that combine carbohydrates and fat. My first reaction was … Read More

Potatoes: whole, real, natural and buzzword-friendly

These days we are bombarded with so much information about what and how we should (and shouldn’t) eat. It comes … Read More

A magical combination of ingredients and one of them is potato

What are the world’s best potato dishes? Niki Bezzant asks in her latest Potato Chat Blog… I’ve written here before … Read More

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