1. Calculation of levy for exported potatoes – Previously the levy for exported potatoes was based on a percentage of the Free on Board (FOB) sales value before deduction of costs and charges. It is proposed that the new Levy Order will calculate the levy on exports in the same manner as those calculated for all other sales – as a percentage of gross value (before deduction of costs and charges) at the first point of sale. This means that there will be parity, with all sales of potatoes calculating levy on the same basis.
2. Additional purpose for spending of the Levy – Biosecurity readiness and response have been included as possible uses for the Levy.
The maximum rate of levy will be 1% ($1 per $100) of:
i) The gross sales value (before deduction of costs and charges) at the first point of sale for all potatoes sold.
ii) The notional process value for growers who process their own potatoes.
The rate for the initial levy year will be 0.85% (85 cents per $100). The rates are GST exclusive.
To be eligible to vote in the Potatoes New Zealand Inc., Levy Referendum your business must have paid a potatoes commodity levy for the 12 months to 31 March 2018.
All active commercial potato growers are entitled to vote. Active commercial potato growers are those persons or businesses that are actively engaged in the commercial production of potatoes.
You may vote in ONE of two ways: INTERNET VOTE or POSTAL VOTE.
Voting opens Tuesday, 24 April 2018 and closes at 12:00 noon on Friday 25 May.
The Levy Order provides for all disputes and disagreements relating to the requirement to pay the Levy, or the amount of the Levy payable by a grower, to be dealt with by mediation.
A mediator may be appointed, at the request of either party, by the President of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Incorporated (AMINZ). More information on the mediation process can be found in the Levy Order.
Do you have a question that does not appear here? Chances are other people have the same questions too. Please email your questions to Chris Claridge through our contact form.
– last updated 28 February, 2018 –