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Get to know a little bit about the Potatoes New Zealand team.

Name: Cyril Hickman
Role: NZ Potato Seed Scheme Manager and Seed Inspector

Cyril Hickman

What does your role entail?

Managing Potatoes New Zealand seed potato certification, field and tuber inspection. Communication with growers, as well as liaising and reporting to Potatoes New Zealand management and to New Zealand Seed Potato Certification Authority.

What part of your role do you enjoy the most?

Making connections and talking with growers as well as the industry.

Why Potatoes New Zealand and the horticulture industry?

I have been involved in the industry for thirty years, specifically in potato and horticulture.

What people do you enjoy being around?

Potato growers and other personnel participating in the industry.

What’s your happy place?

Carrying out projects to conclusion.

What’s your perfect weekend?

Gardening and/or home improvement.