PNZ are aware of the potential impact COVID-19 could have on your health and business.
We trust you are following Ministry of Health guidelines and have the pantry stocked with non-perishables, potatoes and medicines. Being prepared and staying calm is imperative.
Here’s the latest advice and resources for your family and business security.
On farm and at places of business
We advise you to minimize visitors. Use signage at farm and business entrances to remind non-essential visitors to call first and others to follow Ministry of Health advice.
Download posters for your workplace here:
Protect yourself against coronavirus poster march
PNZ COVID-19 Prevention and Handwashing Poster March
PNZ COVID-19 Who needs to stay at home? March 2020.pdf
WHO image for social media

Protect the supply-chain
We are currently focusing on protecting the supply-chain alongside United Fresh, so you can continue to provide produce for market.
Ensure you have ample supply of rubber gloves for Food Safety. Read MPI advice here on food safety.
If you do find you have excess produce, try distributing it locally. The National organisation for waste minimisation in food is www.lovefoodhatewaste.co.nz or email them at jenny@wasteminz.org.nz or jill@wasteminz.org.nz
PNZ meetings
We have made all our meetings virtual using Zoom video links up until 30th June, then TBC. You can email our Admin officer for meeting links.
Check our PNZ events webpage for meeting info and updates.
Government response.
Wage subsidies
– $558 per week for a full-time worker
– $350 per week for part-time worker
Leave payment scheme
Sick pay at $585 per week for full-time workers and $350 per week for part-time workers, for 14 days for those self-isolating, and for the entire period of sickness for those who contract COVID-19.
This is for all employees, the self-employed and contractors (but not for those who can work from home), where the business has had a 30% or greater decline in revenue due to COVID-19, month-on-month for any month between January and June 2020.
Apply here with Work and Income New Zealand.
Government Website
Everything you need to know about COVID-19 in one place.
Information for exporters here.
Food Service Operators read advice here.
Fever, cough or shortness of breath? Stay at home and seek medical advice by
first phoning Healthline’s dedicated COVID-19 number 0800 358 5453 or
contact your GP, including phoning ahead of your visit.
Self-isolation is an important tool if there is a real risk you have
had direct exposure to someone with COVID-19 (corona virus) i.e. been
within 1 metre of an infected person for over 15 minutes.
Business Response
Put risk management plans in place, review sick leave policies and
communicate these with staff and service providers including regular
contractors and visitors (especially those that have been visiting multiple
Sources of Factual
Read New Zealand and International fact-based information and resources to help
with contingency planning. The MBIE website is useful from a business
viewpoint, the Health Department from a health viewpoint.
Info for
How does it spread?
Common FAQs about
impact of Covid-19 may stress you and your business.
If you have any
concerns do not hesitate to reach out to our team for help
PNZ 0800 399 674 or The Rural Support Trust 0800
787 254.