Growers Vote Yes To Continue Potato Levy has reported a final result of 82% of growers voting yes for the proposed Potatoes New Zealand Inc Levy. A total of 71 votes were received from the 173 eligible potato growers representing a voting return of 41%.
The vote is also recorded by gross sales values. When adjusted to reflect sales value almost 90% of the votes wanted a continuation of the commodity levy. Any member wishing any further information on the process and results please contact PNZ ph 0800-399-674.
PNZ would like to thank all members who participated in the voting. See here for more information
Heath & Safety Committee Formed
The Potato Industry Health and Safety Committee has been established to reduce the likelihood of accidents in the potato industry. It includes representatives from McCain’s, WorkSafe, the Agriculture Leaders Health & Safety Action Group (ALHSAG), Potatoes NZ, Horticulture New Zealand, and AS Wilcox. A key objective of the committee is to design and deliver a health and safety programme for potato harvesters. We would be pleased to hear from anyone who would like to participate. Contact Justine Croft or ph 0800-399-674.
New Global Potato Magazine
Chris Claridge, CEO of PNZ has been appointed as an Editorial Advisor for a new international potato magazine. Titled “Global Potato News” and published by Erling Verlag, it will be printed quarterly and distributed world wide. The first issue is due in September and will focus on current trends in the international potato industry
Seed Certification Authority – Seed lines Update
A further updated list of Seed Lines, G3-G6 2017-18, is out now – click here to download the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can be found on the Potatoes NZ website. Click here.
PNZ attends UNECE meeting
Stephen Ogden, the PNZ Seed Authority secretary attended the UNECE meeting in Geneva. Potatoes NZ values participation in this forum as it demonstrates that the NZ Seed Potato Certification Scheme is on a par with international standards, gives access to latest knowledge and trends; supports the status of seed from which export potatoes are grown; adds to industry confidence, and enhances the status of the NZ potato industry as a desirable industry for investment. Click here to read more.
R&D Updates
Pest & Disease – Do some potato-growing soils suppress powdery scab?
A research project in Pukekohe conducted by Plant & Food Research funded by Hort Innovation Australia and PNZ is determining if different field soils affect the development of powdery scab; and whether soil physical, chemical and/or biological characteristics influence this important potato disease. A cross-discipline team is working on the project, including plant pathologists, soil scientists and molecular biologists. Click here to read more.
Process Improvement – Pulse Electric Field Workshop
A workshop is scheduled for midday on 27th June at McCain’s, Timaru. A pilot Pulse Electric Field (PEF) plant is being trialled to investigate mitigation of Zebra Chip symptoms caused by Liberibacter infection. Liberibacter is the bacterium carried by Psyllid. The PEF Pilot project is being managed by Otago University and is funded by the Food Industry Enabling Technologies (FIET) and PNZ. A notice will be sent out prior to the event. Phone 0800-399-674 for more info.
International Market Updates
The Australian market is an important export market for New Zealand fry exports is growing at more than 10% a year, with annual shipments at 134 113 tonnes in the year ending March 2018 – the highest volume since the year ending September 2015. Click here to read more
Export Statistics
We will no longer be distributing a separate monthly export statistics newsletter, instead these will be reported in this monthly newsletter. All current and previous exports stats are available on the PNZ website. We post these to the website each week for Fresh and monthly for Processed Exports.
- Fresh potato export report week 22, 2018
- Fresh potato export report week 21, 2018
- Fresh potato export report week 20, 2018
- Fresh potato export report week 19, 2018
- Processed potato export summary – April 2018
- Processed potato export summary – March2018
Fresh Potatoes Promotion
There was a whole lot of ‘Spud love’ shared at the annual Foodwriters Market Day this year. Fifth generation Grower – Robin Oakley of ‘Oakleys Premium Fresh Vegetables’ and his wife Shirleen made the journey from Canterbury to Auckland to shine the light on their Golden Gourmet potatoes. Click here to read more.
In the Media
Potatoes: whole, real, natural and buzzword-friendly by Niki Bezzant
Hot Chips take out Kiwi’s Face Treat by Kate Underwood
Staff Departure – Steve Sheppard
Steve has resigned from PNZ and has been appointed Communications & Sponsorship Manager at the Human Resources Institute of NZ. He goes with the organisations best wishes and thanks for his contribution.
Industry News – New Zealand Apprenticeship in Production Horticulture
Primary ITO is launching the New Zealand Apprenticeship in Production Horticulture. The apprenticeship includes strands in fruit production, indoor and outdoor vegetable production as well as post harvest. Each strand is made up of unit standards from the New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (Level 3) and New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture Production (Level 4) programmes. Click here for more information
PNZ Social Media Links
Over 5,000 people and organisations follow us on social media to keep up with the latest New Zealand and international potato news. Send us your news and events so we can publish them via our social media channels.
- Instagram – Potatoes_NZ
- Facebook – Potatoes NZ
- Facebook – The Chip Group
- Twitter – Potatoes NZ
- Twitter – Chris Claridge