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Highly Productive Land Protection

Announced last week, the Government is consulting on a draft National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land. 

At the public release of the draft at Hira Bhana and Co Market Garden Growers in Pukekohe, Environment Minister David Parker said:

“Continuing to grow food in the volumes and quality we have come to expect, depends on the availability of land and the quality of the soil.”

Public meetings on the draft National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land will be held in most regions as well as targeted meetings with iwi, local authorities, primary sector groups and others.  Details will be published on the Ministry for the Environment and Ministry for Primary Industries websites. Click here to read the Draft National Policy Statement discussion document and to make your submission.

Public meetings on the draft National Policy Statement on Highly Productive Land will be held in most regions, as well as targeted meetings with iwi, local authorities, primary sector groups and others.  Details will be published on the Ministry for the Environment and Ministry for Primary Industries websites. Click here to read the “Draft National Policy Statement” discussion document and to make your submission.

Consultation closes on 10 October.

Horticulture NZ are hosting the following meetings for ECAN Plan 7 changes:

ECan has notified Plan Change 7 to the Canterbury Land and Water Plan, and Plan Change 2 to the Waimakariri River Regional Plan. The submission period closes on 13 September.

To find out more, attend one of the grower meetings we are co-hosting next week:   

Link to the Canterbury Maps online GIS database

You can search to a property level if you so desire. This helps to work out exactly which property would be in or out of a proposed sub area etc.

You can open up the “Plan Change 7” tab by clicking on the down arrow, tick on the “Sub Regional Chapter boundary” this will come up with the “Plan Change 7” boundaries for Waimakariri and Timaru.

You need to go to the menu on the right, and click on the layers you want to see. Click on “Plan Change 7” and another list appears under it and then you click on what you want to view.

ECAN’s ten water management zones.

Other useful reference material:

Name Downloads
Name Downloads
Summary of MFE's decisions on amendments to NPS FW 2020
Govt Healthy Waterways Package May 29th 2020 - info for growers
PNZ NPS and NES Freshwater submission 31 October