It is certainly difficult to achieve ‘social’ or physical distancing for farm workers at all times.
An example being on a harvester or in shared transport to/from work.
Please ensure you provide the best possible hygiene on equipment, in vehicles and for all staff.
- Use bleach cleaning sprays, masks and gloves if you have them.
- Where possible keep distancing of 2 metres.
- Ensure team leaders remind workers of hygiene and avoiding contact where possible – a daily team talk will help.
- Use signage in all work spaces.
- Remind all that these measures are to be maintained 24/7, not just at work.
Farmers are the most pragmatic and sensible people we know and we’re sure you will exercise best judgement, to keep your teams feeling safe and knowing their work is the backbone of NZ at all times.
The work being done on farms and in food processing facilities is highly valued and deeply appreciated during this extraordinary time.