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Covid-19 Notice No.5: 26th March 2020

COVID-19 (Corona Virus)26th March 2020 We are now at Covid-19 Level 4 alert.Growing and producing food is an essential service, … Read More

Key messages for on farm Covid-19

It is certainly difficult to achieve ‘social’ or physical distancing for farm workers at all times. An example being on … Read More

Covid-19 Notice No.4: 25th March 2020

COVID-19 (Corona Virus)25th March 2020 Alert Level 3 moving to Level 4 tonight at midnight.Growing and producing food is an … Read More

Covid-19 Notice No.3: March 24th 2020

COVID-19 (Corona Virus) 24th March 2020 Alert Level 3 moving to Level 4 on Wednesday 25th at midnight.Growing and producing … Read More

Covid-19 Notice No.2: March 20th 2020

PNZ are aware of the potential impact COVID-19 could have on your health and business. We trust you are following … Read More

Potato Chat March 2020: Waste not, want not #spudlove

How to stop wasting spuds – with Niki Bezzant Did you know that Kiwis collectively throw away about 96 million … Read More

Potato Chat February 2020: Plastic-free frontiers

Plastic-free produce: the next frontier? Naked produce. No, it’s not a dodgy search term (though I wouldn’t even try Googling … Read More

Potatoes NZ Newsletter #93 – February 2020

PNZ NEWSThe year is off to a cracking start with February packed with activity. Field Walks 2020: a great successWe are … Read More

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