Potatoes New Zealand Inc. (PNZ) is delighted to announce that we have been successful in our Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) application for research funding into improving the quality of seed potatoes using precision agriculture.
Control of plant disease is critical for improving yields and grower returns.
Potatoes New Zealand’s strategic plan has defined pest and disease management as a key strategic objective for improving the potato industry.
Potatoes New Zealand is looking forward to working with our strategic industry research partner FAR to deliver this important project.
Chris Claridge, Chief Executive Potatoes NZ is available for further comment. He can be contacted on chris.claridge@potatoesnz.co.nz or on 021 577 387.
Project Summary:
The New Zealand potato industry uses seed potatoes produced by specialist seed potato growers. These growers aim to minimise the chance for disease transfer (viruses and Candidatus Liberbacter solanacearum (CLso)) in potato seed tubers through reapplication of desiccants to prevent re-greening in potato seed crops to reduce CLso and by inspecting and rouging crops to reduce virus.