ECan notified plan changes to the Canterbury Land and Water Plan on Saturday, 20th July. You may have seen this in the HortNZ newsletter already.
The submission period ends on Friday 13th September. This provides us with 8 weeks to prepare and lodge submissions. The standard submission period is 4 weeks. However, the rural sector policy advisors joint forces and sought an extended timeframe for submissions, as we realise that this will be a very busy time on farm – particularly for dairy farmers who will be coming into calving.
PC7 is in three parts:
- Part A – ‘Omnibus Amendments – includes the new Commercial Vegetable growing policy and rules.
- Part B – OTOP Zone
- Part C – Waimakariri Zone
The OTOP and Waimakariri changes respond to recommendations made by the zone committees and include new nutrient loss reductions and water allocation restrictions.
The proposed changes and answers to ‘frequently asked questions’ can be found at these two links:
ECan are also notifying PC2 changes to the Waimakariri River Regional Plan to align that plan with the proposed changes to the Waimakariri Zone that are proposed in PC2.
Commercial Vegetable Growing provisions
As the plan change documents on the ECan website are rather cumbersome and long, for your convenience, I’ve attached a summary flow diagram. However, for more detail you should refer to the ECan documents.
Grower engagement
If growers want to learn more about these proposed changes, you can encourage them to attend one of the following HortNZ grower meetings:
- ‘Drop-in’ Day – Pleasant Point Rugby Clubrooms, Pleasant Point, Wednesday 14 August (times TBA)
- Grower meeting – Hotel Ashburton, 11-35 Racecourse Rd, Ashburton, 4pm to 6pm, Tuesday 27 August
- Grower meeting – Rossburn Receptions, Sparks Lane, Rangiora, 4pm to 6pm, Wednesday 28 August.
Details of these sessions and reminders of the submission deadline will be shared through the HortNZ newsletter. You are also welcome to attend these sessions.
And of course, growers can also ask questions directly to ECan staff and Councillors also.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact either me or Michelle Sands.
Kind regards,
Rachel McClung
Environmental Policy Advisor – South Island | Horticulture New Zealand
M: 027 582 7474
Useful documents and resources.
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