Fresh potato update – Walking through our potato projects

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By Gemma Carroll, Communications & Engagement Officer


The year has started with a bang, as we head straight into planning and beginning our summer field walks. 

This has also resulted in a great little booklet publication, which outlines many of the Research and Development Projects, that PNZ is currently undertaking or supporting. If you miss out on the walks, then feel free to check out what we’re covering, by visiting the website and accessing the booklet as a PDF. 

Photo courtesy of Jacson3 Ltd,

There are 3 locations for Field Walks 2019: Canterbury, Pukekohe and Manawatu. 

We are grateful to the grower hosts, for allowing time and space, during a busy time of year, for our visits. 

In Canterbury we have the added excitement of a visit from AUSVEG, who will accompany us on the field walks there and they have organized an OZ-NZ industry dinner, at which we will hear from UK agronomist John Sarup. 

Field Walks are a great opportunity to see and hear from the scientists, who are working for our industry’s success and growth. 

Topics of interest we will cover are; Teralytic Probes Trial, TPP Spray Trials, Tamarixia Release Trials, Regreening, Powdery Scab, PMTV Update, Future Proofing Vegetables, Powdery Scab, Quick N Test and Climate Change. 

We hope to secure some of the field walks presenters, for our conference in August to go into more detail on these pertinent topics. 

The work being done is imperative for the resilience and success of the potato industry. 

We will also take the opportunity at the walks, to cover advice on general biosecurity. The brief cover-off to be given by our Technical Manager, Dr Iain Kirkwood at the walks, is noted in detail, in the Field Walk booklet and we are creating a Biosecurity Poster in the next few weeks, for farms to have on hand. The poster will be a handy reminder when contractors, visitors or new staff enter and leave the property. The recent PMTV incursion has been a timely reminder of the importance of sensible industry practice.