
Our biennial PNZ conference website is live. Register now.
New Cool Store in The Golden Triangle.
The Cabernet Food Group has a new cool store and pack house in Taupiri, located off the Waikato expressway and within the Golden triangle of Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga. The cool store is 1200m2 with racking.
Call Lyndon Everton 021 500492 or google
The PNZ PMTV survey is well underway. The South Island is almost completed and sampling has started in the North island. Read the latest news here.
Voting for our annual People’s Choice Chip Awards is underway. Cast your vote here.
Education, Resources & Forms
Nominations are now open for one “Grower Position” on the NZGAP Committee. As a HortNZ affiliated product group/organisation we are invited to nominate a candidate using this form.
Importing Countries Phytosanitary Requirements advice from MPI. Find the lists here, they include pests for that country.
Please complete your levy forms: You can find the BCI form here. If your buyer doesn’t pay the levy, then you as a grower need to complete the form, even if your payment is zero. We currently work on a July to June rotation, so please aim for June completion of forms.
Potato Export Standards – the latest version of this advice is on our website here.
Potatoes New Zealand 2019 Conference & AGM Christchurch

Growth and Resilience
13th August Agronomists Forum
14th August Conference Day, including AGM & dinner
Register here.
Early bird available until 28th June.
Inta-Ag forum in Pukekohe – October 2019
Hear from Dr Calum Wilson on powdery scab and soil diseases, John I Keer on PCN and Howard Hinds on disease modelling. Read about it in their March Mag, on page 2.
Horticulture Industry Forum Dates:
2nd October Tauranga
5th December Wellington
Horticulture Conference Dates
31st July-2nd August Mystery Creek. Read about it here.
Horticulture NZ Industry Awards Nominations.
It’s a big year for The Chip Group and associated businesses, as we have two industry awards to present at the conference. Read more here and make sure our processing clients are qualified to enter for the awards.
Research and Development
TPP degree day graphs are being updated weekly, thanks to the team working at Plant and Food Research. You can follow the tracking on our website here. Tomato Potato Psyllid is one of the biggest pest challenges for potato and tomato growers.
Keep up-to-date with our R&D projects via our website and come to our agronomists forum on the 13th August, the day before the PNZ Conference. The full day forum will cover highlights and extended discussion with Q&A on most of our projects. Agronomists Forum programme is live here.
- PNZ & Biosecurity NZ are in the process of developing a management plan, which will involve industry consultation. Click here to read the most recent stakeholder update.
- PNZ have developed a Biosecurity Poster which you can download here. Make Biosecurity a daily practice on your farm or as a rural professional visiting our farms.
In the media
Read the latest report from the Hon. Damien O’Connor, on farmers and climate change. We look forward to hearing from Damien when he opens our conference in August. Beehive Report here.
The latest PNZ articles written for NZ Grower:
Industry Profile – meet John Stanley and here about the latest heritage potato seed venture here.
Spudologist to visit NZ for conference. Meet Andy Robinson here.
Niki Bezzant’s Potato Chat.
NZ in the World Potato Market report.
PNZ developing best storage and crop protection advice for spuds.
World Potato Congress to be held in Ireland.
X-ray technology a boon for spuds.
NZ Grower Profile (If you’d like to feature in a PNZ profile, please email
We now have over 8000 social media followers, across 3 platforms. Our public engagement is growing and we encourage you to share your photos and stories with us via email or on your FB pages. Make sure you tag us, use our #hashtags or connect with us via your chosen platform, so we can keep the momentum going.
potatoesnz #spudlove #eatlocal #chipgroupNZ #plantbasednutrition #foodasmedicine
Exporter News and Statistics
See details in the links below.
Fresh potato exports 2019 weeks 21-25
Fresh potato exports 2019 weeks 16-20
Fresh potato exports 2019 weeks 13-15
Fresh potato exports 2019 weeks 8-12
Fresh potato exports 2019 weeks 4-7
Fresh potato exports 2019 weeks 1-3
Fresh potato exports 2018 weeks 47-52
Processed potato export April 2019
Processed potato export March 2019
Processed potato export February 2019
Processed potato export January 2019
Processed potato export December 2018
Processed potato export November 2018
Processed potato export October 2018
Processed potato export September 2018
Processed potato export August 2018
Processed potato export July 2018
PNZ Social Media Links
Now over 8,000 people and organisations now follow us on social media to keep up with the latest New Zealand and international potato news. Send us your news and events so we can publish them via our social media channels.
- Instagram – Potatoes_NZ
- Facebook – Potatoes NZ
- Facebook – The Chip Group
- Twitter – Potatoes NZ
- Twitter – Chris Claridge