How do I know which potato to buy?
- Buy potatoes suited for end use. Growers cook-test potatoes and then label them accordingly. That way the purchaser can be confident that the potato will cook as expected.
What should I look for in good potatoes?
- Choose potatoes that have no cuts, bruises, green patches or shoots.
- A smooth looking potato is not necessarily better than a misshapen one. Some varieties characteristically have skins which look netted or have eyes in them.
Which potato variety should I buy?
- Choose potatoes for end use, rather than specific varieties. This poster explains how end use is different to variety.
TIP: If a potato doesn’t cook as expected, be prepared to change the cooking method to match the type of potato. A floury potato will not hold together when boiled and will not make a good salad. Similarly, a waxy potato will produce a gluey mash.
For more information go to Seasonal changes and potato varieties.