PNZ Latest News
ETS dropped for Agriculture
On 24th October 2019, the Government announced that agriculture, including horticulture, will not go into the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) next year.
What this means for horticulture is that there will be no additional ETS tax on fertiliser. In return, the pastoral sector and horticulture have undertaken to make progress on climate change mitigation in partnership with the Government.
As horticulture is a climate change mitigator, the main impact will be the need for us to improve the use of fertiliser. Hort NZ recommend we do this through the audited Farm Environment Plans that the Government will require for freshwater quality. Improving freshwater quality will also mitigate climate change. Horticulture NZ will work with industry on the detail in the coming months.
Farm Management
New government proposals currently in the consultation stage, will require growers across New Zealand to develop and implement a Farm Environment Plan (FEP) by 2022. Growers in many regions (eg: Canterbury) are already required by Regional Councils to develop an FEP to maintain permitted activity status and/or to support their application for resource consent to farm.
PNZ outline actions and resources for the changing landscape of spud-growing on our website here and recommend NZGAP for FEP templates and guidelines.
We appreciated the opportunity to talk with growers in the 3 main potato regions, on our NPS & PC roadshow this month.
Emissions Taskforce
The Emissions Project PNZ-79 & it’s taskforce will further develop tools to ensure the ongoing social and regulatory license to grow in the future. Read about our first taskforce meeting on the 13th September, click here. A brief project summary can be found here.
Regional Plans & National Policies Submissions
PNZ have delivered submissions on ECAN’s Plan Change 7, Horizons Plan Change 2 and the National Policy Statement for Highly Productive Land.
Click on these links to direct download the files:
or visit our website to see all final versions.
Submissions on National Policy Statement for Water were due 17th October 2019, but an extension means late submissions will be accepted until 31st October and can be made here. PNZ are making an industry submission but recommend individual farm submissions too.
PNZ Useful Links
- Complete your levy forms: You can find the BCI & Direct Sales Levy forms here
- Exporter forms are due 31st October 2019: find the forms here
- Seedlines & Rulebook will be updated by late November but in the meantime access the 2018 edition here
- Seed Certification forms and register are now updated and can be found here for download, scroll to the bottom of the page in the link
- Keep up-to-date with our R&D projects via our website here
- Export news and statistics read here
- Read our latest media articles here.
- Events can be seen listed on our calendar here.
The PNZ team are here to help you

CEO Chris Claridge
Technical Manager Dr. Iain Kirkwood
Communications & Engagement Officer Gemma Carroll
Administration & Finance OfficerNicola Loach
PNZ Agronomist Paula Lleras
PNZ Social Media Links
Over 8,000 people and organisations now follow us on social media to keep up with the latest New Zealand and international potato news. Send us your news and events so we can publish them via our social media channels.
- Instagram – Potatoes_NZ
- Facebook – Potatoes NZ
- Facebook – The Chip Group
- Twitter – Potatoes NZ
- Twitter – Chris Claridge