Attention Paraquat users

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If you use Paraquat or Paraquat & Diquat and deem them critical for successful potato production please download this form, fill it out then email it to by Sunday 13 August.

Why are we discussing this?
Potatoes NZ has recently become aware that the EPA intends to reassess paraquat and diquat – which are two very common actives in a range of herbicides used in potato production. PNZ are working with Market Access Solutions to coordinate a potato industry submission to EPA.

The NZ Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has a programme of reassessing agrichemicals to determine if the risks associated with use outweigh the benefits. The EPA is going to reassess herbicides containing paraquat and diquat. Their concern is that there are unmanaged human health and aquatic environment risks. The EPA will involve WorkSafe to look at risks to workers.

To ensure the EPA undertakes an accurate assessment, they need information on use and benefits to present to decision makers with their proposals.


Active Trade name examples Registered label claims for crops / use situations
Paraquat & Diquat Speedy, Preeglone, Kuatout before cultivation / sowing / transplanting / crop emergence, drains, drain banks and waterways, forestry nursery beds
Paraquat Paraquat (various trade names),
PQ 200, Gramoxone, Flash, Parable, Genfarm, Uniquat
barley grass, clover seed crops, drainage banks, lucerne crops, pasture renovation, forest plantings, fence lines / stock yards

How will this information be used?
The information will be collated so no individual growers or company can be identified. Anonymity is guaranteed.

More information…
Please visit or contact Rebecca Fisher (Market Access Solutionz) on 04 917 1763 or Chris Claridge (potatoes New Zealand) on 021 577 387.