PNZ Newsletter #124 November 2022

posted in: Articles, News & Info
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Read the latest news, admin, NZSPCA and technical below.

PNZ 2022 AGM 7 pm, Tuesday 29th November 2022
Members can attend this AGM via zoom
PNZ AGM Notice can be downloaded here or visit our website for the event listing to save to your calendar.
Please contact for details.GHG emissions
Potatoes NZ submitted a combined submission with Vegetables NZ to the government this month. You can read the submission on our website or download here.

Save the dates!!! Keep up-to-date with all PNZ industry events via our events page here. We’ve added some dates for late summer events.

Have you visited our PNZ YouTube Channel lately? View SVS videos, N-testing how-to and pest/disease presentations. 
We’ve released 3 new videos throughout November showcasing the Sustainable Vegetable Systems programme.

Latest PNZ articles can be found here.

Growers & their levy paying agents
Access our Biosecurity Emissions & Levy Information System via the website. Check the levies against your business name and that all your contact details are correct. If you need help registering to login, please email Nicola Loach.

2022-2023 Export Registration forms
Exporters need to register for the next season before 31st October. A separate email will be sent to remind you.

2021-2022 Direct Sales Levy Form found on our website here.
For your reference the Commodity Levies Order can be read here.

EPA Decisions
The EPA has released its decisions regarding diazinon, fenamiphos and methamidophos.  
The full decision can be read here: key points are as follows:The approval for fenamiphos is unchanged and will expire on 1 July 2023The approval for methamidophos has been extended by one year to 1 July 2024.After this date, you are not allowed to use either of these. Any excess product that you have left at these dates must be disposed of by 1 July 2025.
We have revised the webpages for PNZ Research, Development and Extension, so that Current Programmes are on a separate page to Completed Programmes/Projects.

Sustainable Vegetable Systems project read all the articles so far. Project reports can be found here.
CPLI Canterbury Psyllid Initiative read the news and info on this project which will benefit the whole industry. This includes the 2022 Canterbury CPLI Degree Days.
Potato Tuber Moth programme can be viewed here and PTM population numbers are being reported here.

NZ Seed Potato Certification News
All required forms
Revised Tissue Culture & Mini Tuber Facilities (Mar 2022)
The revised 2022 NZ Seed Rulebook & Revised 2022 NZ Registered Seed Lines
All NZ Seed Potato Guides & resources
All notices & newsletters

All forms here
R&D projects and more here
Grower Resources here
Seed Grower Resources here
Export statistics read here
Media articles here
Events here

We know growers are resilient and resourceful, however if needed please reach out for support.PNZ 0800 399 674

Rural Support 0800 787 254
The PNZ team are here to help you

CEO Chris ClaridgeTechnical Manager Dr. Iain Kirkwood
Communications & Engagement Officer Gemma Carroll
Administration & Finance Officer Nicola Loach
PNZ Agronomist Paula Lleras
NZ Seed Scheme Manager & Inspector Cyril Hickman
NZ Seed Scheme Inspector Tristan Hickman

PNZ Social Media Links
Over 10,000 people and organisations now follow us on social media to keep up with the latest New Zealand and international potato news. Send us your news and events so we can publish them via our social media channels.
Instagram – Potatoes_NZ
Facebook – Potatoes NZ
Facebook – The Chip Group
Twitter – Potatoes NZ
Linkedin – Potatoes NZ Inc
Twitter – Chris Claridge