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Bombay potato curry

This can be a complete meal by itself, or served as an accompaniment to a meat dish. Serves 4 500g … Read More

Boiled potatoes kumara and parsnips

Boiled vegetables can be served hot, or cooled for a salad. Per person – choose a selection of: 2-4 small … Read More

Boiled potatoes with onion and capsicum dressing

A delicious, quick and easy salad. Serves 2-4 1 cup finely sliced iceberg lettuce 4 boiling or new potatoes, halved … Read More

Boiled carrots, kumara, potatoes and parsnips

Boiled vegetables can be served hot, or cooled for a salad. Per person, choose a selection of: 2-3 boiling or … Read More


Try different ideas. See also Spuds on the Move and Potatosaurus for more great ideas with baked potatoes. Makes 4 … Read More

Blushing wedges

These are so delicious they are sure to become a favourite for the whole family. Serves 4 4-6 baking potatoes, … Read More

Beetroot soup

This soup has a wonderful colour and flavour and is very easy to make. Make extra to freeze. Serves 4-6 … Read More

Bangers and vegetable chips

Veg up up sausages and chips – as a variation, instead of potato chips, slice a variety of vegetables and … Read More

Balsamic glazed lamb chops

Try this tasty potato and lamb dish and always choose Quality Mark beef and lamb. Thanks very much to Beef Lamb … Read More

Baked vegetables with cumin

This dish is so easy to prepare and is a great dish to feed a crowd. Serves 8-10 2 carrots, … Read More

Baked vegetables

Try this delicious mixture of favourite winter vegetables. Serves 3-4 2-3 cups prepared vegetables, leaving skin on where possible: e.g. … Read More

Baked potatoes with tomato sauce

Try making this easy recipe with children – this recipe is gluten free. Serves 8 8 medium baking potatoes 2 … Read More

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